Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Tide/Current Predictor

Tide/Current Predictor
"Anything under 1 would be fairly low and anything above three would be fairly high. The numbers correspond to the height of the sea above the mean level... I think. You will usually have two low tides and two high tides during one day. Usually one very low, one very high, and then one medium low and one medium high.

Regarding Pacifica, it is usually better on a high tide. On low tide, the waves will be crashing right on the sand. Also, in Pacifica, the further south you go (well, not too close to the rocks thoug), the easier it will be to paddle out." - Roland Vallet


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praveen -- How fun to come to your blog and find a quote from Roland!

10:10 PM  

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